scrap n. 1.小片,小块,破片,切剩剪剩的碎片,碎屑,零头。 2.〔集体词〕废料。 3.〔pl.〕破烂东西;残羹剩饭。 4.(报纸剪下的)零杂资料;断片;断简;残篇。 5.【冶金】碎铁,铁屑。 6.〔pl.〕剩余物;油渣;金属渣。 7.少许,一点点。 a scrap of cloth 一小块布。 a few scraps of news (零零碎碎的)两三条消息。 a scrap of paper 一小块碎纸;〔讽刺语〕废纸一样的条约。 dry scrap (干)鱼渣。 green scrap 生鱼渣。 scraps of Latin 一点点拉丁语知识。 do not care a scrap 一点不在乎。 not a scrap 一点也没有…。 vt. (-pp-) 〔俚语〕 1.把…作为废料拆毁;撕毁。 2.废弃,撕毁。 scrapbasket 废纸篓。 n. 1.打架 (with) 扭打;争吵;口角。 2.拳赛。 vi. (-pp-) 打架。
What do you find ?-nothing but scrap paper -你找到什么?-只有一些碎纸屑。
Use scrap paper 使用纸张的背面书写
Jot down the terms, people, places, objects, etc . on scrap paper that might be mentioned in the relevant web pages 在废纸上迅速地写下网页上可能有的专门词语,例如:人物、地方、物件等等。
Prior to his missing, he always slept outside and hanged around in mong kok and tai kok tsui area for collecting scrap papers 据失踪者父亲表示,失踪者于失踪前经常于旺角及大角咀一带露宿及拾纸皮。
I, for one, wo n't forgive you or anyone else who fumbles for a piece of scrap paper and then mumbles incoherently until the orchestra starts playing 我不会原谅他或者任何获奖者摸索出一张破纸,支支吾吾地哼唧到音乐响起。
According to the man s family, the man always sleeps outside and likes to hang around in mong kok and yau ma tei to collect recycle scrap papers before his missing 据他的家人表示,他失踪前经常在旺角或油麻地一带露宿及拾纸皮为生。
The grop s estates conduct regular activities like waste classification, recycling scrap paper, aluminum pots and old clothing, to make environmental protection a part of everyday life 推动住户循环再用,于旗下屋苑定期举办废物分类回收废纸铝罐及旧衣物等活动。
According to his father, he is a street sleeper and lives on collecting scrap papers for almost 20 years . he is a mild-grade mentally retarded person but is able to communicate with others 其他:失踪者为一名露宿者,并以拾荒为生约二十多年,有轻微迟缓,但能与人正常沟通。